About this blog

My wife and I returned a few days ago from an LDS Church history tour, beginning in Boston and ending in Kirtland, OH.  This trip had a special meaning for us because of our pioneer heritage.  My wife's family came from Ireland, England, and Denmark.  My family came from Czechoslovakia, England, and Sweden.  The Bloods came to Massachusetts from England in the early 1600s.  The others came in the Mormon migration in the 1800s.  The Mormon pioneers endured incredible sacrifices, privation, and persecution, never wavering in their faith.  We are who we are today because of our heritage and the faith of our pioneer ancestors.  Our tour was ably organized and guided by Webb Tours of Salt Lake City.  Contact them at this link for further details.

To start at the beginning of the tour, scroll down to the oldest post and continue from there to the newest post.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our Tour Begins in Boston

My wife and I returned last week from an eight-day tour of New England, focusing on LDS Church history sites.  We had seen most of these sites decades ago, but I underestimated the cumulative impact of beginning at the very start, in Sharon VT, and then continuing through each successive history site until we reached Kirtland OH. We left the Illinois and Iowa sites for another day.  The tour was competently organized and led by Webb Tours of Salt Lake City.

Our tour began in Boston, the cradle of liberty.  We spent a brief time walking along a portion of the so-called "Boston Freedom Trail" which begins at Boston Common and extends to Bunker Hill.  I had a difficult time taking photos here because of the size of our tour group, but here are a few, to give you the flavor of the site if you have never been there.

The birthplace of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
Street scene along the Freedom Trail.  Note the strip of red brick on the sidewalk on the right, which enables people to follow the entire Trail.

The Paul Revere home.  Paul Revere was immortalized by Longfellow's famous poem. According to the history books, Revere did not finish his famous ride to warn the patriots that the British were coming because he was detained by a British patrol.  One rider, however, did complete the ride and issued the warning.
Downtown Boston skyline


Carolyn said...

YAY!!! I'm one of the first on your new blog!!! Keep up the good work.

Elizabeth said...

Good going! Sounds like you are following pretty much the trail we followed a few years ago. It was great!